FB Page - 2nd Admin Service

If you have a Facebook business page, it is crucial to add at least 1 more person as an Admin. If you don’t, and your Personal Profile gets:

a) hacked, or

b) banned by FB (and it really does happen, to many people, every day, sometimes for seemingly non-reasons)

….then you will instantly lose ALL control of ALL business pages (& likely groups too) that you’re an Admin of.

So your beautiful Biz Page you’ve nurtured, will either:

- in scenario a) …have the hacker running riot on it,

- or in scenario b) …Zero way for you to post, run Ads, claim your Page back, and it may even be shut down.

NONE OF THIS WILL BE IN YOUR CONTROL. And you will be crying into your desk!

And it’s unlikely that any appeal will be fixed or even answered by FB quickly - it some cases it can take years to fix things & regain access / control of your Biz Page.

➡️ Keep access to your online assets by using my FB Page 2nd Admin Service - I join you as an Admin, so I can help you retrieve your lost access in an emergency 🔥 I'll also keep an eye on your page periodically, and can alert you if anything looks a bit unusual. 

Here's the link to book and pay -->> https://app.moonclerk.com/pay/5kwxr16z3oxo

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